Problem Solving

Design Thinking


Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that focuses on understanding the user’s needs and creating solutions that meet those needs.

It is important because it helps businesses create products and services that are relevant and valuable to their customers.

Two well-known global brands that have used this strategy are Apple and Airbnb.

  • Apple: Apple’s success can be attributed to its focus on design thinking. It has created products that are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. Its products are designed with the user in mind, which has helped it create a loyal customer base.
  • Airbnb: Airbnb’s success can also be attributed to design thinking. It has created a platform that is user-friendly and meets the needs of both hosts and guests. Its design thinking approach has helped it become a global leader in the hospitality industry.

How to

The design thinking process involves the following roles and responsibilities:

  • Empathize: Understand the user’s needs and problems.
  • Define: Define the problem that needs to be solved.
  • Ideate: Generate ideas to solve the problem.
  • Prototype: Create a prototype of the solution.
  • Test: Test the prototype with users and gather feedback.

Best practices

  • Focus on the user’s needs and problems.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams.
  • Iterate and refine the solution based on user feedback.
  • Prototype early and often.
  • Use visual aids to communicate ideas.
  • Stay open to new ideas and perspectives.


Here are two potential examples of how small businesses can use design thinking:

  • A local bakery wants to increase its sales. By using design thinking, it can understand its customers’ needs and preferences and create new products that meet those needs. It can also improve its store layout and marketing materials to make the shopping experience more enjoyable for its customers.
  • A small consulting firm wants to improve its client satisfaction. By using design thinking, it can understand its clients’ needs and problems and create solutions that address those issues. It can also improve its communication and project management processes to ensure that clients are satisfied with the services provided.

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