Here’s a super important tip for any business wanting to grow profitably and understand their customers – make it easy for your customers to provide feedback and make complaints!
Only the most emotional customers will take the time to provide you with feedback that will help your business grow and prosper.
Making it easy for customers to complain and provide feedback is one of the most valuable things you can do to learn about your customer needs and improve your product and service offering.
Many businesses make it difficult for customers to complain and provide feedback. Often feedback and complaint forms are hidden deep within a website or it takes customers a long time to get through to customer support teams.
Usually the only customers who take the time to go through YOUR DIFFICULT COMPLAINT PROCESS are those who are frustrated because they’re at a loss or their lives have been negatively impacted by your business process or staff behaviours.
But what about all those customers who simply walk away and you never get the chance to understand what you did wrong?
The reason most businesses make it difficult to complain is that they perceive that it takes more time to resolve complaints, than to make a sale.
The more you ignore complaints, the less you will understand what is going wrong, which means your business is less likely to improve and evolve over time, which impacts sales and growth.
Ignoring your most loyal customers who have real issues with your business can have a dramatic impact on your business – something you simply cannot afford!
There are a tonne of valuable customers that you’re probably losing every day and YOU HAVE NO IDEA because you haven’t made it easy for them to tell you what you could do better.
This has real profit impacts and can cause brand damage for your business.
One of the most important things you can do is make it easy for your customers to provide feedback, which includes complaints.