Compare BlueInk and DottedSignComparison | |
BlueInkBlueInk helps public and private entities track, manage and complete legally binding esignatures for 50% less the cost of DocuSign. Find out more | DottedSignThe smartest eSignature solution for you to sign, assign & manage documents online to grow your business. Find out more |
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Keep up to date about eSignature and Contracts offers like BlueInk
PrivacyBlueInk helps public and private entities track, manage and complete legally binding esignatures for 50% less the cost of DocuSign.
Document deliveryDeliver documents via email or SMS text and get them completed in under 5 minutes. | ![]() |
RemindersNotify signers with reminder emails for documents that haven’t been signed and submitted. | ![]() |
Personalised messagesWhether you want to add a nice note to brighten your signer’s day or you want to provide them with more details on the documents they’re signing, being able to customize the subject line and message makes things a little more personal. | ![]() |
High-level identity authentication and signature validation to all signed documents with digital certificates issued by an AATL supported CA.
Ensure confidentiality of paperless signing, encrypted by TLS/SSL, AES-256 and RSA-2048.
Your Business Flexibility, Simple and FastClose deals on the go by signing remotely on any device or desktop via secure cloud with your customers anywhere, anytime. Ensure your important business cases do not slip through the cracks. | ![]() |
Boost Efficiency by Multitasking Documents at OnceStop wasting time emailing signers, printing copies, and faxing paper. DottedSign gathers all signing tasks in one place, including those that are completed, waiting for you to sign, and waiting on others’ signatures. Spend less time tracking down signatures and more time on your other, mission-critical, tasks. | ![]() |
Track Real-Time Document Progress with Automated FlowDottedSign simplifies the process of remote business by automating your document delivery. You can track progress by checking each signers’ status. Notifications and reminders will be sent to related parties by the server to keep everyone on the same page. | ![]() |