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eSign GenieCreate online signatures quickly and securely with eSign Genie. Sign up for your Free Trial and eSign documents online today. Find out more | MASVMASV is the fastest and most reliable way for videographers and creators to transfer time critical files to clients. No limitations or plugins. Find out more |
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PrivacyeSign Genie is an online eSignature platform that allows users to quickly and securely sign documents online.
It is designed to make the process of signing documents easier and more efficient.
eSign Genie is ideal for businesses, organizations, and individuals who need to sign documents quickly and securely.
It is especially useful for those who need to sign documents remotely or who need to sign documents with multiple parties.
eSign Genie stands out from its competitors by offering a secure and legally binding eSignature platform that is easy to use and integrates with popular cloud storage services.
It also offers real-time document tracking, customizable templates, secure document storage, and multi-party signing.
These features make eSign Genie an ideal choice for businesses, organizations, and individuals who need to sign documents quickly and securely.
MASV is the fastest and most reliable way for videographers and creators to transfer time critical files to clients. No limitations or plugins. Completely pay-as-you-go. is a cloud-based platform that enables users to create, manage, and deploy AI-powered applications. It provides a suite of tools for building, training, and deploying AI models, as well as a marketplace for buying and selling AI models. It also provides a platform for developers to collaborate on AI projects. is ideal for developers, data scientists, and AI professionals who want to quickly and easily create, manage, and deploy AI-powered applications. It is also suitable for businesses that want to leverage AI to improve their products and services.
Fast File Upload and Download SpeedsWhen it comes to transferring 100GB+ files, speed is crucial. MASV rides on a dedicated global accelerated network. With over 150 servers worldwide, we achieve maximum transfer speeds in most locations across the world without the need for any software or firewall changes. | |
Reliable File TransfersSpeed is only a benefit if the file actually arrives at its destination. MASV easily handles internet connection crashes and fluctuating conditions. | |
Client-Proof File Transfer DashboardLet’s face it – getting some clients to deal with file delivery can be a nightmare. File transferring with MASV is so easy to use, it’s client-proof – many users have gone from needing wikis to explain file transfers to no explanation at all with MASV. | |
Delivery TrackingShipping hard drives is a major drag, but at least you can track your package accurately. MASV provides complete visibility into the status of your client deliveries on a per-recipient basis. Emails are sent when downloads are initiated, and allows you to keep tabs on who has downloaded what. | |
SecuritySecurity is paramount when it comes to protecting your content and reputation. MASV encrypts files both in-flight and at rest, allows password protection on all file transfers, and takes advantage of Amazon Web Services ultra-secure infrastructure. |