
Learn how to stay motivated and achieve your goals with these self-motivation tips!


Self-motivation is the ability to motivate oneself to achieve goals, without external influence.

It is an important skill to develop, as it can help individuals overcome challenges and achieve success.

Companies like Google and Apple have used self-motivation strategies to help their employees stay motivated and productive.


Google offers its employees a variety of perks, such as free food, massages, and on-site gyms.

However, they also encourage self-motivation by giving employees the freedom to work on projects that interest them, and by providing them with resources to develop new skills.


Apple is known for its high-performance culture, where employees are expected to work long hours and meet tight deadlines.

To help employees stay motivated, Apple provides them with clear goals and expectations, and recognizes their achievements through bonuses and promotions.

How to

  1. Set clear goals: Define what you want to achieve and create a plan to reach your goals.
  2. Stay positive: Focus on the positive aspects of your work and avoid negative self-talk.
  3. Take action: Break down your goals into smaller tasks and take action on them every day.
  4. Stay organized: Keep track of your progress and stay organized to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  5. Stay motivated: Find ways to stay motivated, such as rewarding yourself for achieving milestones.
  6. Stay accountable: Hold yourself accountable for your progress and seek support from others when needed.

Best practices

  • Set realistic goals
  • Stay focused on your goals
  • Stay positive and avoid negative self-talk
  • Take breaks and recharge when needed
  • Celebrate your achievements
  • Seek support from others when needed


Example 1: Small Retail Business

A small retail business owner may struggle with staying motivated during slow sales periods.

To develop self-motivation skills, they could set clear goals for increasing sales, stay positive by focusing on the aspects of their business that are doing well, and take action by implementing marketing strategies to attract more customers.

They could also stay organized by keeping track of their sales data and stay motivated by rewarding themselves for achieving sales milestones.

Example 2: Freelance Writer

A freelance writer may struggle with staying motivated during periods of writer’s block.

To develop self-motivation skills, they could set clear goals for completing writing projects, stay positive by focusing on the aspects of their writing that they enjoy, and take action by breaking down their writing projects into smaller tasks.

They could also stay organized by keeping track of their progress and stay motivated by rewarding themselves for completing writing milestones.

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