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LucidchartLucidchart is the intelligent diagramming application that brings teams together to make better decisions and build the future. Find out more | Pastel Review and comment on websites live. One click to share with clients and teammates. Find out more |
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Keep up to date about Business Process Management offers like Lucidchart
PrivacyLucidchart is the intelligent diagramming application that brings teams together to make better decisions and build the future.
Create a shared visionQuickly visualize your team's processes, systems, and organizational structure. Intelligent diagramming lets you visualize complex ideas faster, clearer and more collaboratively. | |
Get everyone on the same page, literallyA common visual language accelerates collaboration and improves communication. It’s easier to align and stay aligned when everyone collaborates in the same space. Lucidchart makes it easy to involve the right people to make the right decisions. | |
Bring plans to lifeEven the best ideas need help to become real. Lucidchart allows you to stay focused and sprint forward with purpose. Bring to life the plans that will propel your business. |
Cut website approval time in half
Create a canvas out of any website and get your point across in seconds.
Comment in real-time and get on the same page as your team.
Automatically create tickets and tasks into other tools